
Tuesday 28 May 2019

Rounding numbers

WALT: Round numbers
SUCCESS CRITERIA: To be successful I must
  • Identify the rounding digit.
  • Write down all the numbers before the rounding digit.
  • Look at the numbers after the rounding digit, if it equal or greater than 5 then you round up and if it is less than 5 then you round down.
  • If rounding up then you add 1 to the rounding digit but if rounding down then the rounding digit remains the same.
  • Change all the numbers  

3 789 472. 157
  1. 3 789 472.000
    Whole numbers
  2. 3 789 472. 200
    Nearest Tenths
  3. 3 789 500
    Nearest Hundreds
  4. 3 7900
    Nearest Ten thousands
  5. 3 789 472. 160
    Nearest Hundreths