
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Finding Fraction Of A Number :)

There are 90 students in the orchestra, and nine-tenths
of them play the violin. How many students play the violin?
9/10 of 90
90 ∻ 10 = 9 

Pedro made 24 cupcakes and put sprinkles on 2/4 of them.
How many cupcakes have sprinkles?
2/4 of 24 = ?
24 ∻ 4 = 6 
6 x 2 = 12

Two-thirds of the 36 bowls in the cupboard are yellow.
How many yellow bowls are in the cupboard?
⅔ of 36 = ?
36 ∻ 3 = 12
12 x 2 = 24

Three-fifths of the 45 people at the beach are wearing sunglasses.
How many people are wearing sunglasses?
⅗ of 45 = ?
45 ∻ 5 = 9
9 x 3 =  27

Of the 56 students on a field trip to a museum,
three-eighths brought their lunch. How many students brought their lunch?
⅜ of 56 = ?
56 ∻  8 = 7
7 x 3 = 21 

Five ninths of the 72 books on a shelf are about history.
How many history books are on the shelf?
5/9 of 72 = ?
72 ∻ 9 = 8  
8 x 5 = 45

In a box of 45 chocolates, two-thirds have caramel filling.
How many chocolates in the box have caramel filling?
⅔ of 45 = ?
45 ∻ 3 = 15
15 x 2 = 30

Three-sixths of the 42 cars in the parking garage have bumper stickers.
How many cars in the garage have bumper stickers?
3/6 of 42 = ?
42 ∻ 6 = 7
7 x 3 = 21
3/12 of the 132 cars in the car park are blue.
How many blue cars are there in the car park?
3/12 of 132 = ?
132 ∻ 12 = 11
11 x 3 = 33

There are 200 people waiting for the train.
One-tenth of them have an umbrella. How many people waiting
for the train have an umbrella?
1/10 of 200 = ?
200 ∻ 10 = 20

Three-quarters of the 36 pens in a drawer have blue ink.
How many pens with blue ink are in the drawer?
¾ of 36 = ?
36 ∻ 4 = 9
9 x 3 = 27


Brendon said...

Wow that's very cool.

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