
Tuesday 5 February 2019

The Treaty Of Waitangi

The treaty of waitangi day is a national day in New Zealand  because it was the day of signing the contract on the 6th February 1840 and its known as the ‘ The Treaty of Waitangi ‘  it took place up North at the Bay of Islands.

What is waitangi day? Well waitangi day is a day were all the schools and workers in New Zealand take a day off  because Maoris is the occasion ( event ) for reflecting on the treaty since 1970’s .

When and why did the waitangi day happen?  Waitangi day is on the 6th Wednesday of ( the year that is it right now.) The treaty started because the Maoris found New Zealand first then the British came along and thought that they were going to the island but they didn’t, the British were killing  approximately all the sea creatures in the ocean.
Who and how did the Maoris find the island first the Maoris or the British ( palangi )?  The maoris is the ones who found the island first because the first explorer was Kupe used the stars and the ocean currents as his navigational guides, across the Pacific on his waka hourua ( voyaging canoe ) from his Polynesian homeland of Hawiki.

When did the Maoris find this island ( New Zealand )? The history of New Zealand dates back at least 700 years ago to when it was discovered and settled by Polynesians. The first European explorer to sight New Zealand was dutch navigator Abel Tasman on 13 December 1642.


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