
Monday 28 June 2021

Science - Onion Cells

 Onion cells (slide) 

In today's science lesson, my class and I learned how to prepare an onion cell slide. In this lesson, the equipment used is one onion-skin layer, knife, forceps, slide, cover slide, cutting board, iodine, and microscope. 

Method : 

  • First, you get an onion cut it with a knife then peel a skin layer with forceps and gently place and spread on a slide.  
  • Next, you put two to three drops of iodine on the onion.
  • Then, grab your cover slide and at a 45-degree angle you're going to spread the iodine over the onion then place the cover slide on top.
  • After that, you're going to let it sit there for a minute or so, and then prepare your microscope.
  • Finally, once all done grab your slide and place it under the microscope and look through it.
Result : 


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