
Tuesday 23 March 2021

Social Studies - Understanding Migration Theories

Celebrating 70th Anniversary of Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki Expedition - A  First Class Sailing Blog

 Social Studies : 

Today in social studies our task was to understand migration theories. We had to understand the different Polynesian migration theories. There is a guy that goes by the name of Thor Heyerdahl who believes that Maoris originally came from South America. He is the man who built a raft called the Kon Tiki. 

Map of Asia with Names (teacher made)

HawaikiSome Maoris believed that they came from a place called Hawaiki.

Others believe that they came from Asia. They had evidence to their theory, one of them being that their language is a lot similar throughout the Pacific.

Some Maoris believe that they came from a place called Hawaiki. There are distinct similarities between Maori languages and culture and others of Polynesia including the Cook Island, Hawai, and Tahiti.


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